Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tipping Point

Hush Puppies

I enjoyed this read mostly because of the reference to fashion and how trends can start. One person can start it all and not even know. It's quite amazing. Fashion can come from someone who cannot afford anything but old Hush Puppies. Something can spread in an instant. There are some great commercials out now that demonstrate how fast something can spread. The one that comes to mind is about spreading kindness through holding the door open for someone or something. It shows another person noticing and then doing a favor for someone else and so on. The doubling (or tree branching) affect can rapidly change something in a short amount of time. This is common with the internet in that when one person finds something interesting, they'll send it to their 10 friends who in return will each send out 10 more to each of their friends (hitting 110 people in a matter of seconds).

MOVIE: I really liked the movie in class today and I really liked the psychology behind how easy it is for someone to believe something just by seeing it a certain amount of times. A stunt like that keeps people on their toes and keeps them second guessing the world around them. It's really important in avoiding the mindless routine that life could be.


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