Thursday, June 12, 2008

So I kind of want to keep this blog going.

And so with that....

I'm in New Hampshire right now. Doing practically nothing all day and taking a little break. But it's amazing how inspired I become when I travel. This trip, I decided not to bring my sketchbook, laptop or my favorite pen (it's an artist thing). I feel naked without all those things. So I'm borrowing a laptop, old notebook (with lines, ugh) and a crappy old pen. But I'm very inspired by the new england style of houses and country stores. I love the city, but man do I love the country.

My latest project involves taking some of my doodles and trying to figure out how I can make them into little pieces of art work to sell as affordable and quaint pieces. I'm also working on a project involving pixels (see previous post) which right now has given me so much inspiration I can't narrow things down. But that's why I'm here to figure out what I can create that will inspire others as well.
